DFW 9-Ball Tour Structure
Money Added: Each stop is $1,500-added!
Tournament Stops: 11 stops total in 2019!
Times: Doors Open 9 am on Saturday and 10am on Sunday. Exception: Rusty’s in Arlington is open 24 hours
Player's Meeting: Player's Meeting begins at 10:00am and then Player's Auction starts RIGHT after that (100% payback!). Must be present at 10:00am!
Entry Fee $60 (Includes $7.50 green fee / $7.50 registration fee).
Payouts: Pays 1/3 of the Field. Last Lady paid if more than 3 ladies play. Last Lady monies comes out of Player's Auction ($50)
Dress Code: None. Please be presentable, though! Adhere to any dress code policies defined by the venue. Earbuds / headphones will not be allowed. No phone Bluetooth devices either.
Racking: Accu-Racks will be used.
Breaks: Lag for break. Alternate breaks. Rack for your opponent. 9-Ball does NOT count in the bottom two pockets on the break.
Tables: 8- foot tables. One stop in 2019 will have Diamond Bar Tables.
Matches: Will be called directly after Players Meeting.
Online Brackets: Check them out! http://dfw9bt.challonge.com/
Rules: Texas Express Rules modified to tour specifications. See 9-Ball rules HERE. Three-foul rule in effect. Lag for the first break. Jump cues allowed IF pool room allows them.
Sportsmanship is honored on the DFW 9-Ball Tour. Please remember these important points: Click HERE.
Pay your entry fee ahead of time to guarantee your spot:
Options to Pay:
- Register online via credit card - click HERE.
- Cash to Crispian, Jay, Doc, or Ginger.
2019 Player's Agreement
MUST be initialed and signed before you can play. The DFW 9 Ball Tour is a nationally-recognized Tour and a stepping stone for players to improve their game to be able to compete in other big tournaments. Therefore, these rules and regulations are the next step for the Tour and players. You can download it, print, and then bring it signed and initialed to tournament stop to save time. It will be required for every player, every year.
Season Finale
We will hold 11 stops in 2019 and a Season Finale. You must play in at least FOUR (4) of the first ten (10) stops to be eligible play in the Season Finale in November at Rusty’s in Arlington
Limited to the first 80 or 64 PAID entries! Although - because some pool rooms have more than 12 tables, we can open up the field! Check our Facebook page to check out the specific events and the waiting lists.
Awards: Tour Champion and "Best Sportsmanship" are awarded.
2017 Tour Champion – Rick Stanley
2017 Best Sportsmanship – Mike Voelkering
2017 Top Lady Player – Alicia Stanley
Cancellation Policy
If something comes up and you cannot play in the event, you will get a full refund of $50 if you notify us by the Saturday BEFORE the weekend of the tournament.
If you cancel by Wednesday before the tournament, we will take out a $10 fee of the refund. (So, you would get refunded $40 of the $50).
If you tell us after Wednesday, then a $20 fee will be taken out.
If you do not inform the tour you cannot make it you will lose your entire entry fee.
Failure to inform the Tournament Director you need to forfeit your next match will exclude you from playing the next tour stop you have signed up for (and you lose your entry fee). Walking out without informing the TDs affects many, many things adversely: TD taking time and resources trying to locate you, making calls (with no response) causes extra work and time, bothering other players to have them help locate you, all the while your opponent is waiting to play. This causes the tournament to slow down and delays other matches and affects other players.
Forfeits on Sunday: If you forfeit on Sunday for a non-emergency, then you will not get your payout. It will be dispersed evenly among all the spots below you. If you are in the Players Auction payouts, the buyer gets half and the other half is dispersed.
Unsportsmanlike Conduct
The following are some examples of unsportsmanlike conduct and will not be tolerated, as they are disruptive to players and unprofessional:
- slamming cues or fists on tables
- talking to the audience during your match
- using your cell phone (text or talk) during your match
- being disruptive to your opponent or other players
- sharking
- forfeiting matches
- talking excessively during matches
- verbal abuse to another player or tournament director (TD)
- physical altercations
If unsportsmanlike conduct occurs during a match and the TD notices or TD is called over to the match for the behavior, offenses will be as follows:
- After 3 warnings in a single match, player will be forfeited from their match
- After 3 warnings during a single tournament during different matches, player will be forfeited from tournament stop
- If either of the above occur for more than 3 tournaments, DFW 9-Ball Tour has the right to ban or suspend players.
After we finalize the players list Saturday morning (figuring out any no-shows and any standby's), the names in the bracket will be shuffled at least 2 times via the Challonge online program. We will call the first-round matches and then we add the names to the large, printed chart. We do this so as soon as the players auction is completed, we can call table assignments and not waste any time at all!
Handicapped Tournament
The DFW 9-Ball Tour is continuing on the legacy Melinda Bailey established with the Omega Billiards Tour, and is looking to continue to grow even more than the past four years so we will continue to utilize the data-driven approach to assigning handicaps that is destined to be the universal standard in pool, FargoRate.
Fargo Rating
Carrying over from the Omega Billiards Tour, each player will be assigned an DFW9BT handicap 4,5,6,7,8,9, or 10 based upon his or her Fargo Rating using the ranges shown.
Fargo Ratings | DFW 9-Ball Tour Handicap |
Above 750 | 10 Handicap |
700 - 749 | 9 Handicap |
645 - 699 | 8 Handicap |
570 - 644 | 7 Handicap |
515 - 569 | 6 Handicap |
460 - 514 | 5 Handicap |
Below 460 | 4 Handicap |
Most players already have an established Fargo Rating and will play at the same handicap as before.
Some of the benefits of this new approach are
- Subjective judgment is removed for all players with established Fargo Ratings
- Players near the edge of two handicaps can seamlessly move up or down throughout the year based on performance
- Many otherwise unknown players from out of the area will have an established Fargo Rating and will be able to be placed appropriately
Fargo Ratings--based on performance against opponents of known rating--become more reliable when they are based on more games. Robustness is the number of games that contribute to a player’s rating, and all ratings based on 200 or more games are referred to as established.
Fargo Ratings will be updated after every DFW 9-Ball Tour event. Any changed handicaps will be adjusted right before each stop. Once the tournament begins, no more changes to ratings will be made.
Matches from each DFW 9-Ball Tour event as well as possibly matches played elsewhere will contribute to ongoing rating changes. Ratings will be updated shortly after each event. All matches played in DFW 9-Ball Tour events contribute to rating changes.
Learn about Fargo Ratings
Please see the videos at www.fargorate.com as well as the FAQ section. You may look up a player’s rating at fairmatch.fargorate.com.
No Notification You Cannot Play
The week before a tournament stop, we receive several cancellations due to conflicts with work or family. During these situations, we are making announcements on Facebook looking to see if new players or players who didn't get to be on the standby list can play to try and fill the tournament because we do not want any open spots (out of the 80-person field). However, for the June and July events, players signed up and then did not let us know could not play after all. It's difficult to express just how inconvenient and stressful this is for the DFW 9-Ball Tour. We try to start RIGHT on time at 10:30am on Saturday mornings and if we are running around trying to figure out if you are coming or not, it delays A LOT of things: getting the brackets ready, starting on time, bothering other players to help locate you, adjusting the players' sheets and online brackets, the end time on Saturday night, etc.
Therefore, if you have signed up for an event (or one of your friends has signed you up), and you do NOT let the DFW 9-Ball Tour or another player know you can't play after all, you will not be able to sign up the week before an event again without paying online. We have to do what's best for the Tour and players to start on time.
Further, we are asking your help - if a friend of yours signs up for a stop, please stress to them if they cannot make it, that they REALLY need to let us know, EVEN if it's Saturday morning.
Thank you for your understanding!